Better one day in The House of the Lord than thousands of years far from Him I choose a corner in The House of The Lord over the kingdoms of men Come, go with me to the House of the Lord Come, celebrate The Author of Love Come, Honour The Name of The One who first loved us Being here in The House of the lord we bring joy to the heart of Our God as we pour out our praise in obedience and love In The House of The Lord ! A passionate soul and a passionate love cry out to The Giver of Life My heart of flesh yearns for His company The One Who is Lord over allأنا ملكك ربي بيعلمني أقرأ Скажем мы Фома Чу сармасти Масеҳам ман wḥdk nwr ạlạ̉nwạr Miambena izao, ạllh bytklm В деле рук наших споспешествуй О Дух Святой
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