Behind the mask, there lies a truth, that tells a lie, of me and you, of you and I, only to cry. outside the mask, appears a smile, that came to life, only to die, not just to live, a fake disguise. Why cant your smile be part of me? when will your death be life to me? when will I see that these faces will never be All that I thought that I wanted and hoped they would be!? inside my heart, a glimpse of light, that gives me hope, unveils my eyes, that sets the truth, above all lies.Tu vivrai Vawn - tuoidawng В храм Андрея Первозванного تعليق 3 Рəббин ҝəнҹ өвладлары, дүнјаја сиз галибсиз rnmwạ llrb bạrkwạ ậmn bạlrb yswʿ JERUSALEM THE NEW CITY Абу мӧд петан туйыс, тэд оз сюр Очищай меня от моих грехов
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