Verse1: I waited for the Lord He turned and heard my cry His mercy opened up my eyes When I couldn't see and my strength was failing me Chorus: I heard the roar of the lion of Judah I heard the voice that calms the raging sea He came to me, came to me When I needed the Lord I heard the roar of the lion of Judah Verse 2: I waited for the Lord He appeared in blinding light He led me through the darkest night When I couldn't see and my strength was failing me Bridge: I lifted my hands He lifted me out All praise to the Savior, all worship to God With all that I am With all in my heart All praise to the Savior, all worship to GodՈվ Կա, Տեր, Քեզ Պես Дээрги Бурган, өртемчейниң Чаяакчызын. Всичко що има дъх Daca vrei să zbori pe muntele cel sfânt Prova a cercare Аджълар Адамъ La mia vita Qaıyrly tań, Mádına! أنت معي Once in Royal David's City
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