You stood before creation, Eternity in Your hand. You spoke the earth into motion, My soul now to stand. You stood before my failure And carried the cross for my shame. My sin weighed upon Your shoulders, My soul now to stand. So what can I say, And what could I do, But offer this heart, O God, Completely to You? So I'll walk upon salvation, Your Spirit alive in me, This life to declare Your promise, My soul now to stand. So I'll stand With arms high and heart abandoned, In awe of the One who gave it all. I'll stand, My soul, Lord, to You surrendered; All I am is Yours.Позови меня من زمان وأنت بتشفي bnʿẓm sẖkẖṣ ạlmsyḥ كيف أكون The God of Israel is mighty بسمع الأذن 坚定信靠主耶稣 Любовь Иисуса очень удивительна پِریشدهلِر گُکلِرده Pane môj, chcem kresťanom byť
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