The star proclaims the King is here; But, Herod, why this senseless fear? He takes no realms of earth away Who gives the realms of heav'nly day. The wiser Magi see from far And follow on His guiding star; And led by light, to light they press And by their gifts their God confess. Within the Jordan's crystal flood In meekness stands the Lamb of God And, sinless, sanctifies the wave, Mankind from sin to cleanse and save. At Cana first His pow'r is shown; His might the blushing waters own And, changing as He speaks the word, Flow wine, obedient to their Lord. All glory, Jesus, be to Thee For this Thy glad epiphany; Whom with the Father we adore And Holy Ghost forevermore.En La Cruz Min Chungnung Pen En jätä teitä orvoiksi Men senga kerakman sen menga kerak Pozri ako mení ma Ježiš Рүсвај олараг чармыха чəкилдин Превыше разума любовь Твоя Glory be shén a lián xù wǒ Жүрөгүм муздаба
The Star Proclaims the King is Here
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