1-There is a name I love to hear I love to speak its worth It sounds like music in mine ear the sweetest name on earth (Oh how I love Jesus)3 because he first loved me 2-It tells me of a saviors love who died to set me free It tells me of his precious blood the sinners perfect plea 3-Jesus! The name I love so well the name I love to hear No saint on earth its worth can tell no heart conceive how dear 4- This name shall shed its fragrance still along lifes thorny road Shall sweetly smooth the rugged hill that leads me up to god 5- And there, withal the blood-bought throng from sin and sorrow free Ill sing the new, eternal song of Jesus love to meMazajen Galili ZAZA TERAKA Прославим братья Par le nom de Jésus Ah cât mă simţesc de bine Rozsievajme všade Sevgi jwh ạlmdẖwd snyn btmr اسپاندا ٴبىر قالا بار
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