There is a river that flows from deep within. There is a fountain that frees my soul from sin. Come to this water, there is a vast supply. There is a river that never shall run dry. There was a thirsty woman, Who was drawing from a well, Her life was ruined and wasted, Her soul was bound for hell. Then she met the Master, Who told of her great sin, He said, "If you drink this water, You'll never thirst again." There came a sound from Heaven As a rushing, mighty wind, It filled their hearts with singing, And gave them peace within. The prophet gave the promise, The Spirit will descend, And from your inner being, A river with no end.Reb Hudaýym aramyzda Başaryjy Пою я песню любви Дышеты Инмаре вӧсяськыны Есүс Та бол миний амь амьдрал Padre perdona loro ЬОлум Капъсънда Их Эзэний ивээл дор байхад Бишуд рӯзу инак шаб ояд канор Mirad cuando bueno es vivir canrtand Samotny wśród morskich
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