There's no one, there's no one like Jesus There's no one, there's no one like Jesus There's no one, there's no one like Jesus There's no one, there's no one like Him I walk I walk, here and there I search I search, everywhere I turn around, here and there but There's no one, there's no one like Him. You came to earth, a world to save Was crucified then rose again You've taken all my sin and shame There's no one, there's no none like Him And one day soon, you'll come again And take us home to be with Him And we will all forever sing There's no one, there's no one like Him.Cnosť je sýtiť lačného E viu - Diana Scridon Тихий вечер опустился над водою A celui qui nous aime Môj Boh, Tebe spievam ثق قم هوذا يناديك njtẖw lk yạ rbnạ tạ̉ml 3 Je niekto z nás smädný Бүгдийн дээгүүр
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