They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength They shall mount up with wings like eagles They shall run and not grow weary; They shall walk and not faint Teach me, Lord; teach me, Lord, to wait Teach me, Lord, to wait down on my knees Till in your own good time you answer my plees Teach me not to rely on what others do But to wait in prayer for the answer from you Teach me, Lord, to wait while hearts are aflame Help me humble myself and call on Your Name Keep my faith renewed with my eyes on Thee Help me be on this earth what You want me to be De som venter på Gud skal få styrke igjen de skal stige med vinger som ørnen de skal løpe og ei bli trette skal gå og få ny kraft lær meg Gud å vente på DegХочу Вклонитись Тобі Yüreğim Seni İster Сүйемін сені, сүйемін Tullos, sä lohduton Kasih Allah Pengikatnya Náš Pán dáva život radostný jī dū zhōng pū So groß ist der Herr Ја Рəбб ешит халгынын сəсини Fut a világ
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