Think about His love Think about His goodness Think about His grace, that has brought us through for as high as the heaven's above, so great is the measure of our Fathers love great is the measure of our Fathers love How could I forget His mercy How could I forget His love He satisfies, He satisfies, He satisfies my desires great is the mesure of our Fathers loveӨдөр бүр Сəн мəнə һамыдан əзизсəн, Рəббим tsbyḥ qbl ạlkẖdmẗ - bybw huí yì guò qù zǒu dào jīn tiān Ježíš, dávno to už vím Boží mlýny Я люблю Тебя flnʿly ạsm ạlrb O Saint-Esprit, descends Научи меня, мой Господь, во всём
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