The god of this evil age, has blinded the minds today. Of people who walk their own way, accordind to God´s own Word. Denying the things he´s done. Of sending his Only Son. Accepting the creeds og man, rejecting the word of God. This is the evening time, it´s later than you think. The bride is preparing now, for her Lord to meet. All things are ready now, so come by nigh here. He that hath an ear to hear, the evening time is near. The darkness throughout the land. This world just can´t understand. A prophet has walked this land, proclaiming the way to God. If you would be saved today, then follow the words he gave. Accepting the word of God. For this is the evening time.Васп эдйәрин Худайы! O Rabbim - Sen bilan yahshi Хушбахтам, ки дод зиндагӣ Осени гала концерт Талархалтайгаар Jésus est né Хер гюн йюкюмю ташъян колларъъйла Егит дыр югыт -вазь тулыс кадь ик Jesús Señor amable Sing hallelujah to the Lord
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