This is the year of jubilee, When the lame shall walk, And the blind shall see, And the Lord will set the captive free, This is the year of jubilee Shalom, Shalom! Shalom, Shalom! Shalom, Shalom! Jerusalem, Jerusalem.احكي لي يا مريم MYANCHOR HOLDS Пусть Царь в сердце моём Уплывают поспешно в неведомый край Toruj, Jezu, sam Доля Уҹадыр Шаһымыз! ᠮᠢᠨᠣ ᠰᠦᠨᠡᠰᠤᠨ ᠳᠤ ᠭᠡᠷᠡᠯ Poesia Merci, Seigneur
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