Verse: It's always like springtime with You, making all things new Your light is breaking through the dark This love it is sweeter than wine, Bringing joy, bringing life Your hope is rising like the dawn Chorus: This is what you do, this is what you do You make me come alive This is what you do, this is what you do You make me come alive This is what you do, this is what you do You make me come alive This is what you do, this is what you do You make me come alive Post Chorus: You make me come alive, You make me come alive You make me come alive, You make me come alive Bridge: It's like I'm living for the first time, Finally living for the first time It's like I'm living for the first time, Finally living for the first timeOlyan jó dicsérni téged Haleluja, haleluja انت صالح حدثني الروايه قديمة العهود Склонюсь 主的恩典足够我用 yạ jmyʿ ạlmtʿbyn Ho chiesto a Dio Ты нужен мне больше чем вчера Que la parole de Christ
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