Today Thy mercy calls me to wash away my sin; However great my trespass, whate'er I may have been; However long from mercy I may have turned away, Thy blood, O Christ, can wash me, and make me clean today. Today Thy gate is open, and all who enter in Shall find a Father's welcome, and pardon for their sin; The past shall be forgotten, a present joy be given; A future grace be promised, a glorious crown in Heav'n. Today the Father calls me, the Holy Spirit waits, The blessèd angels gather around the heav'nly gates; No question will be asked me, how often I have come; Although I oft have wandered, it is my Father's home. O all embracing mercy, thou ever open door, What shall I do without thee when heart and eyes run o'er? When all things seem against me, to drive me to despair, I know one gate is open, one ear will hear my prayer.Арзум Йюджелере Чъкмак In ogni momento Bütün Göylər qüdrətini bəyan edir Tu dulce amor Madaqta janym Qudaıdy Mówi świat, iż niebezpiecznie Rabbim mening Rakkaudesta Jeesukseni laula Танрым Сəн ҝөзəлсəн Глас Господа услышан будет в миру
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