It's a world of compromise, Standards have lowered, making lives So devalued till all moral codes are lost, But in the midst of all the sin We have virtues that's within God wants displayed, no matter what the cost. Undefiled - real pure lives, Walking holy and upright; Keep that flag flying high By living clean and undefiled. And when we walk down the street, All the people that we meet Will see we can't be sold out cheap, We're worth much more; When temptation's drawing near Let's turn and run from the evil snare, For our bodies are the temple of the Lord. Seem like our specie's fast becoming extinct, Survival in earth's atmosphere gets harder everyday, But the same God who saved our souls Is more than able to keep us whole, And present us before Christ undefileddwsy yạ nfsy Я хочу прославить Господа Христа Тәңірдің Рухы мені толтырғанда Бир хиласкарым вар Buď česť Ti, Pane svätý Северим Сени, Раб Исам, Меджденелли Мерйем Гиби Огонь с небес Аллаһа һəмдлəр Он был таким как мы Keď je srdce hladné
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