Search me oh Lord and know me Break my heart, change me according to Your Word And fill me up with Your Presence until I overflow, so Use me, Lord, use me Like a Lighthouse that shines at night A bridge over the water A shelter in the desert, The arrow that hits the target I want to be used in a way that pleases You, Anytime, anywhere, here is my life Use me, Lord, Use me Search me, Break me, Change me Fill me and use me LordБүкіл атақ мәртебемді беремін Miért félig Tied a szívem Takú radosť ako prameň తెల్లగ తెలవారకముందే أحبنا إلهنا Дорога до неба Jasyń da, káriń Une goutte tombe 当日出 Елате, брате, ела!
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