Every moment of my life In good and in bad times I will worship you my Jesus And thank You for Your blood I find strength in You, my Father When I'm drawing nearer to you With my heart and my mind It warms my heart when I think Chorus Father you are good You are holy, You are love Jesus You are great You are stronger than the grave Father, this day I commit myself to You And I'll sing with all my heart: I love You Every moment of my life By day and night I will read your words And carry them in my heart In the storms of my life In the rain and the cold I will hide in Your peace I will rest in Your faithfulness Chorus Father, this day I commit myself to You And I'll sing with all my heart: I love YouJežíš, nejkrásnější ze všech jmen Golgota ZAHOVA PATHIAN SINAH طوبى لليسمع إلهي إلهي Сүйінші 祷告不是平常事 ʿạlsmạ Tej noci drahý Spasiteľ إلهي أدنو مني
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