We want to see Jesus lifted high, A banner that flies across the sky; That all men might see the truth and know, He is the way to heaven. We wanna see, we wanna see, we wanna see Jesus lifted high! We wanna see, we wanna see, we wanna see Jesus lifted high! Step by step we're moving forward, Little by little we're taking ground; Every prayer is a powerful weapon, Strongholds come tumbling down, And down and down and downJežiš moc nad všetkým má Aleluja III. msẖ hạrḍy̱ bḍʿfy wạskt Pe drumul Ghetsimanilor Ogni giorno più importante Прославьте Бога Иди ко кресту где Спаситель In God We Trust Канатларънън Алтънда О ВИЖТЕ ТАЗИ ЛЮБОВ
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