When I look into Your holiness, When I gaze into Your loveliness, When all things that surround Become shadows in the light of You; When I've found the joy of reaching Your heart, When my will becomes enthralled in Your love, When all things that surround Become shadows in the light of You: // I worship You, I worship You, The reason I live is to worship You. //Tu es le Seigneur تاڭ شاپاعىنداي، جۇزىڭنەن نۇر توگىلىپ โปรดให้ฉันใกล้พระองค์ yǒng shēng de lù Ивээл 主的门徒不怕危险 Vainiot jo vaalenevat 惟独你的名为耶和华 Tandis que dans le ciel ʿywn shrạnẗ
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