When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart I will dance like David danced When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart I will dance like David danced I will dance, dance, dance like David danced I will dance, dance, dance like David danced When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart I will pray like David prayed When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart I will pray like David prayed I will pray, pray, pray like David prayed I will pray, pray, pray like David prayed When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart I will sing like David sang When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart I will sing like David sang I will sing, I will sing, sing like David sang I will sing, I will sing, sing like David sang I will pray, I will pray, pray like David prayed I will pray, I will pray, pray like David prayed I will dance, I will dance, dance like David danced I will dance, I will dance, dance like David dancedIo vo' narrar On vstal zmŕtvych Otro día feneció Dieu, le tout-puissant Créateur Гэрэлт дэнлүү As vrea să mă-ntâlnesc cu Domnul Сон о небе Иса, Не Харикасън! ʿạrfk ṭyb Pomoz mi, Pane
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