Intro Verse: Who was in the beginning before time began? Who holds all of creation in the palm of His hand? My Father, He is the one who sustains all things He is the source, the Creator of everything Verse: 2 Who's thoughts toward me outnumber the sand? Who has given Him wisdom? Who has made Him understand? He sees all things, He knows all things He sees all things, He knows all things Pre Chorus: Who is like our God in all of the earth? Who is like our God in all of the earth? Who is like our God in all of the earth? Who is like our God in all of the earth? Chorus: He is holy, He is holy He is worthy, He is worthy Bridge: So fill me with the knowledge of You God (Let me behold more of You God) Open my heart to Your truth God (I have to have more of You God) Fill me with the knowledge of You God (Let me behold more of You God) Open my heart to Your truth God (I have to have more of You God) So fill me with the knowledge of You God (Let me behold more of You God) Open my heart to Your truth God (I have to have more of You God) Fill me with the knowledge of You God (Let me behold more of You God) Open my heart to Your truth God (I have to have more of You God) Chorus: He is holy, He is holy He is worthy, He is worthyНебеса ожидают меня Қуанайық, шаттанайық бәріміз نقـدم التسبيـح شكـر قلوبنـا เราเข้ามาในพระนิเวศน์ رغم الظروف THE DAY THOU GAVEST, LORD Меҳрибон Отам бор ما أبهى أن نجتمع حول الحبيب للمديح Van Lal Cha! rnm mwsy̱
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