With my lips I will bless You With my mouth I'll sing Your praise With my eyes I long to see You Show me Your face With my ears I long to hear You With my hands I long to touch You With all my heart I surrender to You Let all that is within me bless Your holy Name Let all that is within me bless Your holy NameCәnnәt deyir Sənin qanadların altında Льется песня радостной рекою ᠲᠠᠨ ᠢ ᠭᠡᠬᠦ ᠰᠡᠳᠬᠢᠯ ạlṣlạh ạlrbạnyh نور المذود - لا تهتموا للغد Atyám, Tied vagyok Взглянь страдалец на Христа ما ألذ الاتكال Мой дом и я служить хотим
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