I will rejoice, I will rejoice in the God of Israel Heavenu Shalom, Heavenu Shalom Heavenu Shalom Aleichem Yeshua,hey Yeshua hey Yeshua Hamashiach He is Good ! The Lord is Good and His mercy endures forever He is good !!! The King of Glory // He is risen // He is alive !!!كسرت سهام العدو Haleluja, lebo Boh všemocný vládu má Réveille l'amour Błogosławię Cię Небеса отражают Мир бывает на войне ạ̹ḥnạ sẖʿbk mạlnạsẖ gẖyrk Terre, chante de joie mjd mrym بمراحم الرب أغنى
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