I will rejoice, I will rejoice in the God of Israel Heavenu Shalom, Heavenu Shalom Heavenu Shalom Aleichem Yeshua,hey Yeshua hey Yeshua Hamashiach He is Good ! The Lord is Good and His mercy endures forever He is good !!! The King of Glory // He is risen // He is alive !!!Özün deyirsən 万物的结局近了 Отче наш, що живеш на небі Iubind te daruiesti tạ̉ml 2 Glory be În faţa Ta plecaţi noi stăm ạlmjd lyk yạ mlyk صلاة - مازال إلهي حي 1.Korintliler 1:28-29, 31b
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