There's a voice in the silence, Piercing the darkness of my own selfish soul There's a cry deep within me, a yearning to feel you I look to you, Lord I can pretend I don't run from the feelings I'm trying to hide Must get the focus of me and my problems I look to the cross You are my Rock jn You I stand Safe from the storms that surround me You're my only Rock, In you I can Don't have to rely on my own strength.ạsmk rby yswʿ О мой Спаситель Na Baranku ja spoczywam tʿlyq 2 Хејир - дуа дилəрик, мəрһəмəтин истəрик وهنفرح برضو هنفرح Boldog az ember Fede Hriech ma tiaži tʿlyq 1 - ʿly̱ ạlmrṣd
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