You are the King of Glory, You are the Prince of Peace; You are the Lord of Heaven and Earth, You're the Sun of righteousness. Angels bow down before You, Worship and adore, for You have the words of eternal life, You are Jesus Christ, the Lord! // Hosanna to the Son of David! Hosanna to the King of Kings! Glory in the highest Heaven, For Jesus the Messiah reigns! //En avant! en avant! Кутсал, Кутсал bạllḥn mʿ ạlạ̉sẖʿạr Imannuel Immanuel Reina Dios Un día sé que dejaré Znam Przewodnika w mej pielgrzymce О говори ко мне Иисус Pastreaza-ţi hainele curate عالي لفوق
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