You laid aside Your majesty Gave up everything for me Suffered at the hands Of those You had created You took all my guilt and shame When You died and rose again Now today You reign In heaven and earth exalted I really want to worship You, my Lord You have won my heart, and I am Yours For ever and ever I will love You You are the only one who died for me Gave Your life to set me free So I lift my voice to You in adorationGapirsam tinglarmisan Chrystus Pan opuścił niebios sławę Chant de Pâques Nič nie je nemožné Жизнь мира распинают Mungu Twatoa Shukrani Gdzież mi pociechy szukać lub nadziei Risveglia Tań shapaǵyndaı, júzińnen nur tógilip Търсим покой у дома
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