Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever is Yours Heaven and earth bow down in the wonder of Your name Heaven is open, death is broken, And the glory forever is Yours Nothing can overcome the power of Your name King above Kings All the universe will sing Everlasting God You are wonderful, You are wonderful And the shout of the earth Will be Your praise God forever and the light unto all will be Your wonderful name For the glory Lord is Yours God forever all the glory Lord is Yoursقۇداي بئز مەنەن У двери сердца Я стою انت هو صخر الرجاء Ne te désole point, Sion Besarkan Nama Tuhan Wiesz ty, ile gwiazdek świeci Мубарәк Лютуф Тахтъна, Сенин Хузуруна Рәббим Әйса Re-surrender
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