yswʿ fạdy mạ mn mtẖyl lk kl ạlạ̉yạm fy kl ận sạ̉htf bḥbk mryḥy mlạdẖy brj ḥṣyn mnyʿ bkl rwḥy wạlkyạn ạ̉sjd lk gẖnwạ mʿy yạ sẖʿwb ạhtfwạ mjdaⁿạ jlạlạaⁿ lh qdmwạ tsẖdwạ ạljbạl tmwj ạlbḥạr tkẖḍʿ lạsmk ysẖwd lsạny lṣnʿ ydyk ḥbaⁿ̃ạ ạ̹lhy sạ̉sẖdw ldyk ạ̉nt nṣyby wlys ly swạk My Jesus my savior, Lord there is none like you All of my days I want to praise the wonders of your mighty love My comfort my shelter tower or refuge and strength Let every breath, all that I am never cease to worship you Shout to the Lord, all the earth let us sing Power and majesty praise to the king Mountains bow down and the sea will roar At the sound of your name I sing for joy at the work of your hands Forever I'll love you, forever I'll stand Nothing compares to the promise I have in you ysẖwd lsạny lṣnʿ ydyk ḥbaⁿ̃ạ ạ̹lhy sạ̉sẖdw ldyk ạ̉nt nṣybyفي شخص ربنا يسوع Звездной порою я гляжу на небо Chváľme dnes Pána, oslavujem hlasne, spievajme chvály, velebme Ho vďačne Таң агарганда келейин алдыңа, Теңирим ạdkẖl lqdsk ạtrjy̱ wjhk Qalbimni Tozala 'Ku Ingin Menghayati Din tesuturi nevăzute mntẓrynh Görkem
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