You deserve the glory and the honor Lord, we lift our hands in worship As we lift your Holy name For you are great you do miracles so great There is no one else like you ********************************** ạ̉hdyk kl ạlmjd wạlkrạmẗ ạrfʿ ydy nḥwk wạ̉sbḥ ạsmk ạ̉nt ʿẓym lys mtẖlk yạrb tṣnʿ ʿjạỷb ạ̉nt ʿẓym lys mtẖlk yạ rb tstṭyʿ kl sẖyʾМой Искупитель О Любовь святая я иду к Тебе The Original Life اللەلۋييا، ادوناي كوكتە ماڭگى ٴبىر قۇداي! Stand up and give Him the praise sạlm yạwṭnạ Жаным құтқарылды Vieni a me Ó Kriste, Pastieru ạ̉hms lh
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