Set List


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You don't have any sets yet, choose a song and click 'Add Song to Set' to make one

Here you can see a list of any worship sets that you have created. These help you to click forwards and backwards between songs. You can create these by clicking 'Add to Set' when viewing a song.

Set List


Here are all the songs in your worship set. You can reorder them by dragging on the reorder icon next to each song, or remove them by clicking the cross icon.


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ạ̉yhạ ạlnwr

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1- ạ̉yhạ ạlnwr ạldẖy ạ̉sẖrq .. ʿly̱ mn fy ạlẓlmẗ lynṭq
bbhạỷk bl wybwq .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
2- ạ̉yhạ ạldẖy bḥbh .. rfʿ ạlkẖṭyẗ bṣlbh
lạ̉ḥdtẖ bfḍlh .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
3- ạ̉yhạ ạlḥkmẗ ạ̉ʿṭny .. ạ̉n ạ̉sẖdw lk wạ̉rtwy
mn nbʿk lạ̉gẖny .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
4- ạ̉yhạ ạlqạbl ạlqrạbyn .. yạ mn qrb ʿn ạlậtẖmyn
ạ̹qbl qrbạny mʿ ạlqạỷlyn .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
5- ạ̉yhạ ạlqạbl ạlḥrbẗ .. wạlrmḥ lạ̉jly bmḥbẗ
lyfḍ qlby lmn ạ̉ḥb .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
6- ạlậb ytklm bk .. wạlrwḥ ytklm ʿnk
wạlkẖlyqẗ tmjdk .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
7- bk yạ rb ytklm .. jmyʿ mn ʿnk ytklm
ạ̉ʿṭ lsạny ạ̉n ytʿlm .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
8- bmwtk sẖq ạlḥjạb .. wbjsdk ftḥ lnạ ạlbạb
lnsjd bk fy ạlrwḥ llậb .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
9- bhạrwn bdạ̉ ạlkhnwt .. ạlạ̉rḍy wbqyạfạ ymwt
ạ̉mạ lk fkhnwt lạ ymwt .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
10- rfḍt ạ̉wrsẖlym ʿzhạ .. fṣlbt ạbn dạwd rbhạ
fạ̉ʿṭy llạ̉mm wṣạr lhạ .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
11- lw ʿrf ạlʿạlm ạ̉nk .. rb ạlmjd lmạ ṣlbk
ḥkm qlby lysrk .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
12- fy ạlṣlyb sḥq ạlsẖyṭạn .. wʿly̱ ạlmyạh ḍrb lwyạtẖạn
wfy ạlạ̉ḥd ạlmwt yhạn .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
13- mlk ạllyl ydʿy̱ zhrẗ .. mạt ạljmʿẗ 12 ẓhraⁿạ
wmlk ạlnhạr qhrh fjraⁿạ .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
14- ẓhr ạljmʿẗ ạ̹tḥwl lyl .. wạlẓlmẗ fy ạlạ̉ḥd lnhạr
wạltẖạmn bqy̱ fjr ạlạ̉dhạr .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
15- zhrẗ bnt ạlṣbḥ ạ̉byd .. wạljmʿẗ ạ̉ẓlm ʿly̱ ạ̉yd
yswʿ kwkb ạlṣbḥ ạlmjyd .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
16- ạljmʿẗ byt ạlậlạm .. wywm ạlsẖryr wạlạ̹ẓlạm
qhr bạlạ̉ḥd ạldẖy qạm .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
17- bạlʿẓmẗ sqṭ ạlsẖyṭạn .. wbạlạtḍạʿ rfʿ ạlạ̹nsạn
wbạlnʿmẗ ạ̉kẖdẖ ạlạ̹ymạn .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
18- sẖjrẗ ạlṣlyb gẖrst .. fạqtlʿt sẖjrẗ ạlmwt
wʿṣạ ạbn ạllh ạ̉tẖmrt .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
19- dfnwạ ạltẖmr ạlḥlw fy mr .. wqbr tẖlạtẖ ạ̉yạm zhr
lạ̉nh blạ fsạd wlạ sẖr .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
20- bṭrs bʿd mạ ạ̉nkrk .. jry llqbr lynẓrk
jrynạ mʿạh ạ̹ḥnạ bnḥbk .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
21- ṣạlḥt ạlạ̉rḍ mʿ ạlsmạʾ .. wmzjt ạlạ̹njyl bạltwrạh
yạ mn ṣạr bsẖraⁿạ whw ạllh .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
22- ạ̉nzlt mʿk ạlsmạỷyyn .. wạ̉ṣʿdt mʿk ạlạ̉rḍyyn
wjʿlt ạlbsẖr ạ̹lhyyn .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
23- ậdm wḥwạʾ ṭrdạ .. wlwḥy ạlʿhd ksrạ
fạ̉ʿdtnạ wjddtnạ .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
24- nzl ậdm llqbr .. fnzlt yạ ạbn ạllh qbry
wqmt wbdạ̉ bk ʿmry .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
25- tʿạl yạ ậdm frdwsk .. ʿwdy yạ ḥwạʾ ạ̹ly̱ sknk
ạ̉ʿạd ạllh tạny kẖlqk .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
26- ḥbk ạ̉nzlk lnạ .. fṣrt bsẖrạaⁿ mtẖlnạ
blạ kẖṭyẗ ltmwt ʿnạ .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
27- bạlḥb ạftqdtnạ .. wbạldm ạsẖtrytnạ
wbạlmwt kẖlṣtnạ .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
28- mjạnaⁿạ ạ̉ʿṭytnạ .. tẖyạb ạlbr wqlt lnạ
ạḥfẓ tẖyạbk ṭạhrẗ .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
29- bḥbk ḥmltnạ .. wbdmk strtnạ
wbrwḥk ạ̉nt lnạ .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
30- bnʿmtk jbltnạ .. wkẖlṣtnạ wtsyr bnạ
wbnʿmtk stạ̉ty lnạ .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
31- fy ạlsbt ạlrạḥẗ lạ̹tmạm .. ạlạ̉ʿmạl wnhạyẗ ạlạ̉yạm
rmz lmlk rỷys ạlslạm .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
32- ạlmn ạlwạḥd fy smạh .. yʿṭy̱ ywmyaⁿạ llḥyạẗ
mn hw hdẖạ ạ̹lạ ạbn ạllh .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
33- ạ̉yhạ ạlwạḥd ạlwḥyd .. wḥd jsdk bạlrwḥ wzyd
sẖʿbk bạltʿzyẗ wạltmjyd .. sbḥwh wzydwh ʿlwaⁿạ
34- ạlmjd llậb wạlạbn .. wạlrwḥ ạlqds ậmyn
ạlận wkl ậwạn .. wạ̹ly̱ dhr ạldạhryn ậmyn
О, ела при Мен Я Раб Исам, Лайъксън Сен Entends-tu le chant joyeux? Сен Йўлдирсан Señor Tú eres más precioso W więzach grzechu, jak w niewoli Если солнце в тучах скрылось tậml - rbnạ mwjwd qd ḥwlt ḥzny rqṣ لا مثل لك
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You can see chords and transpose if you have set the 'Show Chords' setting. If there is sheet music you can click the button to switch to it. When the sheet music is showing you can short press/click it to play/pause, and long press/right click to play from the beginning. At the top you can click through to different language versions of the song if there are any. You can listen to the MP3s. Also, you can add this song to a set so that you can use it more easily during a worship time.

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