A Lamb goes uncomplaining forth, The guilt of all men bearing; And laden with the sins of earth, None else the burden sharing! Goes patient on, grow weak and faint, To slaughter led without complaint, That spotless life to offer; Bears shame and stripes, and wounds and death, Anguish and mockery, and saith, "Willing all this I suffer." This Lamb is Christ, the soul's great Friend, The Lamb of God, our Savior; Him God the Father chose to send To gain for us His favor. "Go forth, My Son," the Father saith, "And free men from the fear of death, From guilt and condemnation. The wrath and stripes are hard to bear, But by Thy Passion men shall share The fruit of Thy salvation." "Yea, Father, yea, most willingly I'll bear what Thou commandest; My will conforms to Thy decree, I do what Thou demandest." O wondrous Love, what hast Thou done! The Father offers up His Son! The Son, content, descendeth! O Love, how strong Thou art to save! Thou beddest Him within the grave Whose word the mountains rendeth. Thou lay'st Him, Love, upon the cross, With nails and spear Him bruising; Thou slay'st Him as a lamb, His loss from soul and body oozing; From body 'tis the crimson flood Of precious sacrificial blood From soul, the strength of anguish: My gain it is; sweet Lamb to Thee What can I give, whose love to me For me doth make Thee languish? Lord, all my life I'll cleave to Thee, Thy love fore'er beholding, Thee ever, as Thou ever me, With loving arms enfolding. Yea, Thou shalt be my Beaconlight, To guide me safe through death's dark night. And cheer my heart in sorrow; Henceforth myself and all that's mine To Thee, my Savior, I consign, From whom all things I borrow. From morn till eve my theme shall be Thy mercy's wondrous measure; To sacrifice myself for Thee Shall be my aim and pleasure. My stream of life shall ever be A current flowing ceaselessly, Thy constant praise outpouring. I'll treasure in my memory, O Lord, all Thou hast done for me, Thy gracious love adoring. Enlarge, my heart's own shrine, and swell, To thee shall now be given A treasure that doth far excel The worth of earth and heaven. Away with the Arabian gold, With treasures of an earthly mold! I've found a better jewel. My priceless treasure, Lord my God, Is Thy most holy, precious blood, Which flowed from wounds so cruel. This treasure ever I'll employ, This every aid shall yield me; In sorrow it shall be my joy, In conflict it shall shield me; In joy, the music of my feast, And when all else has lost its zest, This manna still shall feed me; In thirst my drink; in want my food; My company in solitude, To comfort and to lead me. Of death I am no more afraid, New life from Thee is flowing; Thy cross affords me cooling shade When noonday's sun is glowing. When by my grief I am oppressed, On Thee my weary soul shall rest Serenely as on pillows. Thou art my Anchor when by woe My bark is driven to and fro On trouble's surging billows. And when Thy glory I shall see And taste Thy kingdom's pleasure, Thy blood my royal robe shall be, My joy beyond all measure. When I appear before Thy throne, Thy righteousness shall be my crown- With these I need not hide me. And there, in garments richly wrought As Thine own bride, I shall be brought To stand in joy beside Thee.Kutsal Adını Yüceltmeye Él qiuiere, desea y puede Wonderful Lord Olsa Da Günahlarımız И всё же قدوس رب الجنود الرب هو الله Ry Tompo Izay nanangona ạwʿy̱ tạ̉jl Животворящий Дух Святи
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