This is the day You've made So I will lift my voice and give You praise This is the day You've made So I will lift my voice and give You praise You are worthy You are worthy You are worthy You are worthy Lord when You are glorified My heart is satisfied to know All praise and honor are Yours And when all creation sings To You the King of Kings we know All praise and honor are YoursOH COME, ALLYE FAITHFUL บริสุทธิ์ СЪЗДАНИЯТА ПЕЯТ Przyjaciel małych dzieci Un chrétien je voudrais être Բարի Է Տերն Ամեն Պահ لما ضعفت وصرت كئيب Халлелүяа бүхнийг чадагч Эзэн قراءات 4 Кайдасың жаркыган, мен күтүп эңсеген
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