While walking on this earth, We are nothing in ourselves, Yet God's chosen to use us In His mighty hand; For the Master's plan requires human instruments; But they must not ever glorify themselves. All the glory must be to the Lord, Only He is worthy of our praise. No one on earth should give glory to himself; For all the glory must be to the Lord. Are we ready to obey Him When He urges us to go? Are we willing to be nothing but servants of the cross? In the times of trial and hardship, Or when shining from the top, Are we willing to lay down our lives for Him?tʿlyq 5 Надтай хамт Kasih Tuhan Mengiringimu Иса келді менің өміріме Peuples, élevez la bannière mạfysẖ ạ̉qrb mnk jạyyn nhtf Bondissez de joie Ya Sumber Kasih, Roh Kudus Si el Espíritu de Dios habita
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