Holy words long preserved For our walk in this world They resound with God's own heart Oh, let the ancient words impart Words of Life, words of Hope Give us strength, help us cope In this world, where e'er we roam Ancient words will guide us home Ancient words ever true Changing me and changing you We have come with open hearts Oh, let the ancient words impart Holy words of our Faith Handed down to this age Came to us through sacrifice Oh, heed the faithful words of Christ Holy words long preserved For our walk in this world They resound with God's own heart Oh, let the ancient words impart Word of God ever true Changing me and changing you We have come with open hearts Oh, let the word of God impartGLORIOUS FREEDOM Cristo me ama KILVENG ZUNGZAL HNA Boży Baranku! Отче наш Prichádza Kráľ slávy. Ny latabatrao ry Jeso! Ben bir garip yolcuydum المجد لك يا محب البشر Неҹə бəхтијарам, неҹə хошбəхтəм мəн
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