You make Your face to shine on me Now my soul knows very well You lift me up an' I'm cleansed and free Now my soul knows very well When mountains fall, I'll stand By the power of Your hand And in Your heart of hearts, I'll dwell That my soul knows very well Joy and strength each day I find That my soul knows very well Forgiveness, forgiveness, hope, I know is mine That my soul knows very well When mountains fall, I'll stand By the power of Your hand And in Your heart of hearts, I'll dwell That my soul knows very wellDio immenso Rimani con noi Ni siku kuu siku ile mn ạlạ̉ʿmạq Jeden jest tylko Pan Ezért áldjon, Uram, az én ajkam For the Lord is marching on hái yào xiàng qián Re dell'universo Оҳ Исойим
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