In a little corner of the world lived a maiden, Pure in heart, good in deed, full of grace, gentle rose; An angelic salutation for the Word's annunciation She's to be the chosen mother of Jesus, our Lord. And as she listened to the voice with her gaze upon the splendor Love embraced her open heart, and she conceived the holy Lord. "Behold the handmaid, behold your servant, Be it done unto me according to Your word." In a little time there would be a celebration Elizabeth would bear a son, they will call his name John. He will go before the Lord as a faithful messenger He'll prepare the way for the Lamb who is to come. And on that day was put in motion the means of our redemption, And a way was opened up as a highway to our God; And a child was born to us, and to us a Son was given, Through the young and blessed Mary came the greatest Gift of all. Holy, holy, holy Redeemer, Holy, holy is the Lord; Blessed is He who comes to free us, Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord.Ježišu, si môj Pán Широка, как море İsadır Xilaskar Илии время настало رافعين إيدينا ليك O Rab Mesihim Gücü Her Şeye Yeten Rab Tanrı Възложи товара си Holy and anointed One Таны хайр сүнсийг минь
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