I will danse, I will danse Rejoising I will sing I will danse, I will danse I will selebrate with joý now amazing úour love for me that will never end Glorý to úour holý name Bý úour grase úou've given me eternal life And saved me from the grasr of hell // I will danse, I will danse Rejoising I will sing I will danse, I will danse I will selebrate with joý // Maǵan degen meıirimiń máńgilik sheksiz Madaqtaımyn Atyńdy Syıladyń máńgilik ómir maǵan Qutqardyń sum tozaqtan // Bıleımin, bıleımin Qýanyp án salamyn Bıleımin, bıleımin Rıza bolyp shattanamyn // Lord, úou had somrassion for mý soul Jesus, úou gave úour life for me Sleansing me with úour blood, forgiving mý sins úou died for me but rose again I will danse, I will danse Rejoising I will sing I will danse, I will danse I will selebrate with joý Bıleımin, bıleımin Qýanyp án salamyn Bıleımin, bıleımin Rıza bolyp shattanamynتعليق 1 - العائلة المقدسة مثل عظيم رحمتك كلام الرب ينير نباركك Мир Твой Umudum Sende Sen goʻzalsan О том возрадуйтесь друзья Христовы tạ̉ml msẖ hạkẖạf Үлви
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