Romans sixteen: nineteen says, Romans sixteen: nineteen says, "Be excellent at what is good, be innocent of evil;" "Be excellent at what is good, be innocent of evil. And the God of peace will soon crush Satan, yes, God will crush Him underneath your feet." (2x)Худовандимдан бир тилагим бор Amo te Já vím, komu jsem uvěřil Ја Рəбб, мəрһəмəтинлə бизлəри рəдд етмəдин Hrermoso es a tus hijos rén de shēng mìng bù zài hū jiā dào fēng fù ạ̹lh ạlmfdyyn Iata-ma smerit de Maiestatea Ta Seigneur, je n'ai rien à t'offrir ạllh ạ̉nt kẖlạṣy fạ̉ṭmỷn
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