Come, come to the water All who are thirsty Come and be filled Come, come to the river Brothers and sisters Come and be healed Come and be healed We believe in the kingdom come We believe in the risen Son You bring our hearts to life Lord we come with our hands up high We believe You will satisfy You bring our hearts to life You bring our hearts to life We are alive See people returning The love of the father drawing us in See salvation coming Jesus our Savior, light of the world Light of the world Let revival come Let the people sing The glory of Your name Let revival come Let the people sing The glory of Your nameÓ, Pane, díky za vzácný dar Кон чуствинел Исусес Миний төлөө - Амилалт Ялалт 2021 О благодать, спасен Тобой Make me a channel of your peace Do srdca mi príď «Иса» ады əзиздир, нурдур Онун сөзлəри Bože, Ty si mocným slovom stvoril zem i nebesá Mé hříchy Ježíš když navždycky smyl لما شعب المسيح يرنم
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