Cry out, my heart Cry out to the heav'ns Rise up, my voice Raise up to glory You are royalty I'm but a speck You are the sea I'm but a drop Cry out, my heart Cry out with the Spirit Raise your voice Rise up with Christ You are in me Where am I? You are the cure I'm in distress Cry out, my heart Cry out with love Cry out, my heart Cry out to the heav'nsItt vagyok, várok أنا أصلًا من ذرية آدم O, o, cerul e în inima mea Qurban ettiń biz úshin Siion, oi suloinen sua Czy tak czy inaczej Łaskawy Bóg da Par le nom de Jésus Yo quiero ser como Tú RAY MAHERY Любовь Твоя
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