Your mercy taught us how to dance To celebrate with all we have And we'll dance to thank you for mercy Your Glory taught us how to shout To lift Your name over all the earth And we'll shout to thank you for glory It's the overflow Of a forgiven soul And now that we've seen you God Our hearts cannot stay silent And we'll be a dancing generation Dancing because of Your great mercy Lord Your great mercy Lord And we'll be a shouting generation Shouting because of Your great glory Lord Your great Glory Lordfwq ạlsẖjrẗ Żyj we mnie wḥdk yạ rby̱ Göksel Baba, Tapınırız Dieťatko spanilé lw tʿrf yswʿ На Бога аз разчитам Nem erővel, hatalommal Հոն է Մեր Տուն What a gathering/ On that Bright and Golden Morning
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