There is a longing only You can fill A raging tempest only You can still My soul is thirsty Lord to know You as I'm known Drink from the river that flows before Your throne Chorus Take me deeper Deeper in love with You Jesus hold me close in Your embrace Take me deeper Deeper than I've ever been before I just want to love You more and more How I long to be deeper in love Sunrise to sunrise I will seek Your face Drawn by the Spirit to the promise of Your grace My heart has found in You a hope that will abide Here in Your presence forever satisfiedجعان قلبي స్తుతియించెద నీ నామం దేవా Письмо с того света Pujian Malam Yang Tenang ạllh mnyḥ mʿy Prišiel na zem Деца в небето Błogosławię Cię Nu Te-ndeparta de mine Все воспоют- Ему Осанна!
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