Despair not, O heart, in thy sorrow, But hope from God's promises borrow Beware in thy sorrow, of sinning For death is of life the beginning. The body is shrouded in mourning; The garlands, the casket adorning, Are emblems of hope that betoken, O Death, that thy power is broken. A dearly belov'd one hath left us; God hath in His Wisdom bereft us; But He will not leave us forsaken,We know that the dead shall awaken. When dawneth the glorious morrow, This body that we view with sorrow, A glorified form shall be given, Restored to its spirit in heaven. The seed that in springtime is planted, Is hid in the ground, but if granted A measure of sunshine and showers, Will spring into fruitage and flowers; A gift to the churchyard we tender, As dust to the dust we surrender; Returning the clay to its Maker, We lay it to rest in God's acre. A soul in that body abided, A soul that in Jesus confided, A soul that hath longed for salvation, And now hath found hope's consummation. O earth, we consign to thy keeping This body with sorrow and weeping; In peace to await resurrection, When it shall arise in perfection. O Christ, our soul's Maker and Lover; When time and earth's travail are over, Thou closest the grave's mournful story, And callest Thine own to Thy glory.Dicsőség Pensieri Mano a mano cuore a cuore Každý jazyk nech vyzná: Ježiš je Pán A Te méltóságod csendjében Ты для меня Спаситель zhǔ ài wǒ de ài KHRIHFAMI I LAWM U จะเอามือวางที่ใจ Отче наш, що живеш на небі
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