1 Jesus draw me ever nearer As I labour through the storm. You have called me to this passage, and I'll follow, though I'm worn. Chorus May this journey bring a blessing, May I rise on wings of faith; And at the end of my heart's testing, With Your likeness let me wake. Verse 2 Jesus guide me through the tempest; Keep my spirit staid and sure. When the midnight meets the morning, Let me love You even more. Verse 3 Let the treasures of the trial Form within me as I go - And at the end of this long passage, Let me leave them at Your throneЕсүсийн хайр ивээл С вик на радост, с песен Ерусалiм Самарянка ฮาเลลูยาสรรเสริญ تاۋعا كوزدى قادايمىن İNAMLA UZAT ƏLİNİ Тронный зал (Throne Room) Потоки Твоей доброты مهما يمر الزمان
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