(Versus) There's an ember Deep within me But it's only A little flame But my faith keeps Growing stronger And it won't be long 'Til it starts a blaze (Chorus) Set my faith on fire That's my one desire Make my life A pure and holy flame So the world can see That there's a fire in me Burning by the power Of your name Start a blaze And set my faith Faith on fire (Bridge) We've got a message We must share it with the world Igniting every man and woman Boy and girl Na na, na na na na na Na na, na na na na nakẖdnạ ʿly̱ jbl ʿạly Там зад сенките HARK! TEN THOUSAND HARPS AND VOICES Как велика любовь Твоя Я хочу идти с Христом по тернистому пути هبني حبًا لا تشمتي يا عدوتي Pobłogosław, Panie يقوم الرب إلهنا Тәўбе ет
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