For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son that whosoever will believeth in Him shall never die but shall have eternal life and this is why we sing Hallelujah Hallelujah (x4)Amen Hallelujah (x4) Amazing Grace How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now am found I once was blind but now I seeA Jésus je m abandonne عرفتُكَ Любовь yǐ sè liè a nǐ yào tīng zhe Je sais bien qui nous aima tant 天使向神下拜 Я не знаю лучше места Мне трудно понять Ómirimniń máni, meniń tańymnyń qýanyshy ومهما تكوني حصينة
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