Call to me and I will hear - Call to me and I'll go I will follow You to the ends of the earth You are always in my heart Light Your fire in my soul It is my desire to go with You now Lead me, my Lord - My God, you know that I just want to be where You are I'm so in love with You ghmerto shens khmas movismen minda shens kʼvals gavqʼve usasrulod mogqʼve kveqʼnis kʼidemde gza machvene ghmerto me minda ik viqʼo upalo sadats mkʼvidrob radgan dzlier miqʼvarkharАжайып, керемет асманда Не в словах щоденних молитов Dziś jasność w duszy mojej lśni Чын жүрөгүмдөн Сени, Теңирим, даңктаймын Buď vždy pozdravená Ne zaman ben düşsem Şükür, şükür, Aleluya Өмүрдүн башаты Ыйсада Victoria Victoria كنت بعيد
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