The prophets foretold A king would come Born to a virgin Of lowly estate You who are poor And discouraged Take courage for Your king is here He will not falter Or be discouraged Till his kingdom come Giver of joy giver of hope giver of peace giver of life Giver of every good thing has come into the world Giver of joy giver of hope giver of peace giver of life Giver of every good thing has come into the world Giver of joy giver of hope giver of peace giver of life (x5) Sing to the Lord a new song Praise Him to the ends of the earth You who go down to the sea You islands praise the Lordحب عظيم قد سما yạ ʿjybạ Santa Biblia, Para Mí جۇرەك قالاي شاتتانىپ تولقىمايدى؟! Поклонюсь Тебе Göremiyorsun, yavrum Билирик ки, бу дүнјада нə əкəҹəксəн أشكر ربي على الحرية В лучах любви నజరేయుడా నాయేసయ్యా
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