You are the first. You go before. You are the last; Lord, You're the encore. Your name's in lights for all to see. The starry host declare Your glory. Glory in the highest. Glory in the highest. Glory in the highest. Apart from You, There is no God, Light of the world, The Bright and Morning Star. Your Name will shine for all to see. You are the One; You are my Glory. And no one else Could ever compare to You, Lord. All the earth together declares: Glory in the highest! Glory in the highest! Glory in the highest to You, Lord! To You, Lord! All the earth will sing Your praise. The moon and stars, the sun and rain, Every nation will proclaim That You are God and You will reign. Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, to You, Lord! Glory, glory, hallelujah! Hallelujah!Que tout genou fléchisse Святой Дух Господен, на мне и тебе Вдали от Бога я блуждал quán néng de zhǔ yé sū Toʻlov qildi Iso Bendito el Señor por su grana mor Биё الكتاب المقدس Танръ'нън Севгиси Харика Всякий раз когда путям пройденным
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