Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise His greatness no one could fathom I will speak of his glorious splendor I will sing for the one I love a song of praise Lifting holy hands reaching to his holy dwelling place And I will bow down on my knees Offering all of me perfect in beauty shining through me I will sing for the one I love a song of praise God of glory Lord of me And I will offer up my life a living sacrifice You are worthy you are holy I will sing for the one I love a song of praiseرديت المسلوب يا إلهنا Allah Maɗaukaki, Sarki Madauwami Баярлалаа Эзэний ариун цусанд Sofferta croce زەخمىلەندى گۇناھىمىز ئۈچۈن mwsyqy̱ Have you ever seen the rain Lurianne Di Bawah Sinar Bulan Восхваляем мы Тебя أصل أنا منك
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