Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise His greatness no one could fathom I will speak of his glorious splendor I will sing for the one I love a song of praise Lifting holy hands reaching to his holy dwelling place And I will bow down on my knees Offering all of me perfect in beauty shining through me I will sing for the one I love a song of praise God of glory Lord of me And I will offer up my life a living sacrifice You are worthy you are holy I will sing for the one I love a song of praiseАумин Танрым, севдим Сəни мəн бүтүн варлығымла Ka Ngaklah Ni Lopi Chu Він примушує сонце (Матвія 5:44-45) قانداي راحات، باقىتتىمىن دايماً بسأل نفسي Keling barcha yạ yswʿ yạ gẖạly Грешник к Иисусу ныне приди 这是耶和华所定的日子
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